The art quilt design process is thoroughly explored in this guide through journaling, technique experiments, and creating small projects using a variety of mixed medias, fiber arts, and surface designs. With the goal of creating imagery and motifs that become the focal point of a quilt, practical exercises and creative hands-on activities direct quilters from concept to finished product while developing a unique voice. Topics include such tasks as fabric manipulation, stamping, resists, layering, fabric painting, dyeing, stitching, applique, collage, machine embroidery, and beading. Insider tips and tricks for making the most of time and resources are sprinkled throughout, including the incorporation of finishing touches, special bindings, and creative fixes.
Inspired to Quilt: Creative Experiments in Art Quilt Imagery
SKU: 9781596680968
Categories: Interweave, Quilting
Additional information
Dimensions | 8.5 × 10.25 in |
Imprint | Interweave |
Format | Paperback |
Publication Date | 5/1/2009 |
Author Name(s) | Melanie Testa |
Number of Pages | 136 |